Computer general knowledge In today's time, computer has become a basic necessity because it make it very easy for us too work online. Computer is not very expensive, you can buy it at a reasonable price and you can improve s…
name of symbols on keyboard If you learn computer so very important is you knowing every symbol name in keyboard and keyboard symbols is very easy to learn and understand. Keyboard symbol Name ! :- Exclamation Point @ …
computer full forms Knowing Computer full form is very important if you use computer and with this you will be able to know a lots of things about the computer or will get a lots of more knowledge. SO below are a lot of full fo…
Basics Shortcut Key Computer has become very important in today's time, it has made a lot of work easy. why are shortcut keys important:Short cut keys are very important in the computer, it makes it easy to run the computer a…
Basic computer knowledge What is computer? Define in simple language Computer is an electronical device which convert data in information . Father of Computer:- Charles Babbage Generation o…