Computer general knowledge
In today's time, computer has become a basic necessity because it make it very easy for us too work online. Computer is not very expensive, you can buy it at a reasonable price and you can improve some special skill with the help of computer for example such as improving typing speed and web designing etc.
Computer general knowledge
Some important parts of computer
• Monitor
• Keyboard
• Mouse
What is computer ?
Computer is an electronical device , which convert data in information and computer invented by Charles Babbage in 1830.
Four generations of Computer
First super computer name :- Param
Generation of Computer
1, Generation - Vacuum tube (1946-1955)
2, Generation - ICS (1966-1975)
3, Generation- Microprocessor (1976-1980)
4, Generation - Advanced microprocessor
Full Form of Computer
C :- Common
O :- Operating
M :- Machine
P :- Particularly
U :- Used for
T :- Technological
E :- Engineering
R :- Research
Monitor is an electrical device with a screen used for seen display as of computer information.
Another names of Monitor
The monitor is also known as visual display unit,display, screen etc.
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Keyboard is such a thing with the help of which we can write anything in the monitor by typing.
General keyboard botton :- 106
Multi media keyboard botton :- 112
There is an arrow in the mouse, with the help of which we can operate the monitor.
CPU is Central processing unit, in simple meaning of CPU is CPU brain of computer without CPU Computer is nothing because all the important things are stored in CPU.
Important things about computer
Many things have to be learned in computer to run professionally and operate goodly. For example
• word pad
• win word
• excel
• tally
• corel dowel
• photoshop
• web designing
Computer general knowledge
Why is important to learned computer?
It is necessary to learned computer because in today's time all important data store in computer with tha help of excel. And lots of things to do about computer.
who invented computer and in which year?
The first computer was invented by Charles Babbage in year 1822.
Why should we learn to use computer?
We should learn computer because we get a lot of knowledge about example excel about tally and lots of another application.